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Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Vending Machine, Binary Search Algorithm
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Vending Machine, Infinite Loop
Sequential programs - algorithms are done in order one at a time. Parallel programs - algorithms are done in tandem with another program. Algorithm for
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Pseudocode, Initial Condition, For Loop
01:198:111 Lecture 3: CS111 Pseudocode programs
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Volkswagen Beetle, Terminal Emulator, Javac
01:198:111 Lecture 3: 9/12 Testing and more Algorithms
Statements are executed in some logical order. Y is 1 and x is 2. Allows the program to perform a sequence of statements repeatedly. For days of the we
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Camel Case, Semicolon
Variable- an entity that can change its state or value. X is the name of the variable and int is the type. Start with uppercase for all letters of subs
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Microsoft Dynamics Ax
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Call Stack, Infinite Loop
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Pseudocode
Decision tree pseudocode java code. How do you decide between three numbers to which one is larger. E. g. for( int i = 0; i <1000; i ++) The differe
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Call Stack, Global Variable
When something is specified in terms of itself. Divide and conquer type of approach in coding. Tree recursively= node consisting of left subtree and ri
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Object-Oriented Programming
Users of car do not need to understand how the car works normally. Think of a blueprint of a house. Many houses can be built using the same blueprint.
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Sudoku, Starbucks
All communication contexts have goals and needs. We use our communication skills to influence others in attempts to fill our goals and needs. Instrumen
01:198:111 Lecture 8: 10/1 - Procedures
Before writing a procedure analyze the problem. Output: the larger of the two numbers. Code: definitely using an operator like > to determine which
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Modular Programming, Pseudocode, Local Variable
Need to know how to solve a problem, and translate the algorithm into pseudo. Need to be able to identify input, output, error conditions, and test cas
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Call Stack, Compile Time, Pseudocode
01:198:111 intro to computer science / professor gunadawerna. This technique divides a large problem into simpler, smaller problems to be solved in an
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Call Stack, Programming Paradigm
An example is the divide and conquer where you divide the problem into smaller. Functions are all grouped in a class. What the main function does is th
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Call Stack
01:198:111 Lecture 11: 10/10 - Recursions Continued
From now on think about solutions to problems recursively. By working on one side at a time and repeating the process until all are solved. Key point:
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Object-Oriented Programming, Instance Variable
Recursion review instances of the same problem 9as opposed to iteration) The process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly. Method of
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Instance Variable, Remote Control, Mechanical Engineering
Instead of professor guna, professor balouek-thomert came to give this lecture. Recursion calls itself in order to solve problems that is in terms of s
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Programming Paradigm, Type System
Due to prof guna"s jury duty, we watched 2 videos instead. Basically, this allows us to emulate the world around us. Software is a simulation of the re
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Type System, Procedural Programming, Simula
Java is an object oriented programming language that is designed to build programs using this methodology. Software is a simulation of the real world.
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Object-Oriented Programming
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Default Constructor
The scope does not have prompt initialized. This means because int prompt was initialized inside the do while loop, when you exit it, that variable sto
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Data Type
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Substring
A string is a collection of characters. Strings have double quotes to denote they are strings. A string in java is an object. Our dna sequence is a str
01:198:111 Lecture 16: CS111 Arrays
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Digital Image
Arrays are our first introduction to the concept data structures. A data structure is an arrangement of data that enables efficient processing by a pro
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Array Data Structure, Empty String
01:198:111 Lecture 17: CS111 2D Arrays
Out of bounds error for arrays if length is just n=a. length and not n=length-1; Write a recursive function count(string s, char ch) and find the numbe
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Object Copying
Solution is to make array size dynamic. Insert function insert(int[][] a, int index, int n){ for(int i = a. length - 2; i >= index; i--) a[i+1] = a[i];
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: The Sydney Morning Herald, Multiplication Table
Arrays are not objects, they are primitive data types. Meaning they hold a collection of the same primitive data types. What is an object, class, const
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Random Number Generation, Return Type
01:198:111 Lecture 19: 11/7 - Partial Midterm 2 Review + More 2D Arrays + Array lists
Midterm 2 review - this is only a partial review of topics you need to cover, not a full one. Know the methods as well, you will be given a sheet that
01:198:111 Lecture 20: CS111 Runtime
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Substring
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Binary Search Algorithm, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Boolean Algebra, Computer Architecture, Linear Equation
The runtime of a program depends on many factors. The efficiency of an algorithm is based on: How many total operations the algorithm performs. How muc
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Binary Search Algorithm
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Linear Search, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort
Sequentially looking at the values of the list one after another. Depends on what is known about the list. In a list of ints or doubles, it"s easy, the
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Binary Search Algorithm, Linear Search, Lyft
Think about how much we search each day. When searching when we want to determine how efficient the searching program is. N is the number of items, whi
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Selection Sort
Overall, insertion sorting is generally the sorting method that one should always use. Java has its own method for sorting programs. This will result i
01:198:111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Binary Search Algorithm, Linear Search
01:198:111 Lecture 28: 12/10 - Final Exam Review
Suppose an array is given with some invalid entries(indicated by -999). Write a program to remove the invalid entries and adjust the array while keepin