BIO 346 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance, Paramutation, Thoughtcrime

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Molecular details - enzymes - can affect genetics and epigenetics. Lysenko genetics = thought-crime (an instance of unorthodox or controversial thinking, considered as a criminal offense or as socially unacceptable. ) Pups who get groomed a lot affects their stress reactivity and maternal care levels (become high-grooming moms) Provide same environment reared in to offspring. Repressed allele shuts down itself and the alternative allele. Both repressed alleles can be passed down to offspring. Contaminants that mimic sex steroids (chemically similar) can influence animal phenotypes and affect sexual development. Effects of diet and stress: human studies (strongly coupled - observational) After communist revolution in china - severe weather severe. People conceived during this time increased risk of schizophrenia and other diseases. Nazis punished a dutch strike with a food embargo (stop of trade) People born/conceived during this time period increased risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and schizophrenia. Dutch - kept detailed records of everyone: children"s weight at birth, food rations, etc.