BIO 311D Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Nitrogen Fixation, Primary Production, Wind Speed

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22 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Difference in a forest and an open field: humidity, sunlight, wind speed. Aging of lakes (not succession: oligotrophic: High algal growth: gradual change of these factors during lake aging, we contribute to the aging of lakes by: Sewage goes into lakes, human waste: lake aging can be reserved by: Pumping air into the lakes to increase the levels of oxygen in the water. Interactions between species: ecosystems: group of plants and animals that are connected by energy and mineral flow, sun is the ultimate source of energy, solar energy is converted to chemical energy through photosynthesis. Net primary productivity: plant growth (biomass) per unit area per unit time. Biomass: amount of dry weight of living organisms per unit area. To maximize net primary productivity: fertilizer, water. Plant communities: estuaries, swamps, and marshes & tropical rainforests have the highest net primary productivity. Gross primary productivity: amount of energy captured through photosynthesis per unit area per unit time.