BIO 301M Lecture Notes - Leafcutter Ant, Black Bread Mold, Green Algae

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11 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Please do consider adding some notes if you take some :d. Septa - the individual threads of hyphae, theyre tiny. A few are coenocytic, which means they do not have the septa. Some have haustoria, which are hyphae that burrow into cells so they. Mostly haploid (one set of chromosomes per cell) When they want to reproduce sexually, they have to go through this. Plasmogamy: two mycelia meet and fuse together, but the. The result is an organism with two nuclei, which means it is dikaryotic or heterokaryotic. The blue color in the following diagram is the haploid stage. Oldest clear fossils are 460 million years ago. Following plants onto land, forming mutualistic relationships with them. Really small, the very first group to evolve. Produce sexual spores in sacs called asci on the fruiting body, Environmental triggers stimulate it to produce the basidiocarp. Mycorrhizae - fungi living within the plant, they help the plant get.