BIO 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Hydrophile, Phospholipid, Glycerol

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Functional groups the parts of the molecule that are involved in chemical reactions during the reactions. R-fg r-the rest of the molecule fg-functional group, involved in the reaction. Proteins and carbs are made up of monomers. The bonding together of monomers is called polymerization. Hydrolysis reaction-water in, monomer out the splitting of water . **be able to recognize monosaccharides vs. disaccharide by diagram and condensation vs. hydrolysis by diagram. Our brains can only use glucose as fuel. 20 amino acids several things in common and then the rest of the molecule all amino acids have. 4-a distinct r-group also referred to as a side chain. All amino acids have an amino group and carboxyl group. The r group, the rest of the molecule, distinguishes the different amino acids. Diverse function and structure (structure is related to function) Secondary structure-results form hydrogen bonding between atoms on the same amino acid chain.