BIOS 230 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Botulism, Shortness Of Breath, Constipation

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An ancient recipe associated with botulism in modern egypt: botulinum type e. Baseline this was the first time botulism had ever been reported in egypt and sounded much larger than typical botulism outbreak. N/a three adults with botulism intoxication in a hospital in cario and was looking to obtain antitoxin. Symptoms were consistent: descending paralysis from head, time frame was consistent (6 hr -10 days) after food consumption. Surveillance was increased and cases were only found within district. Naval medical research unit 3 were asked to assist the moh in the investigation. Supported with resources by the u. s. agency for international. We defined a case of suspected botulism as illness in a hospitalized patient who physician suspected botulism and who had at least one of the following symptoms: dyspnea, blurred vision, or ptosis (drooping eyelids). The first stage of the investigation involved finding cases. Suspected cases were reported to egyptian moh and all these were limited to cairo.