CHEM 1A Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Emission Spectrum, Bohr Model, Zilog Z80

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For next class: review notes and examples, book problems, aleks. Can use light to eject electrons if freq > freq 0. Constructive interference - wavelengths line up and add together. Technique using wavelengths to measure spacing is called x ray diffraction. Energy is quantized in certain energy levels around nucleus. N = principle quantum # energy level. E - in lowest energy state = ground state. E = -2. 18 x 10 -18 j (z 2 /n 2 ) E = -2. 18 x 10 -18 j (z 2 /n 2 final - z 2 /n 2 initial) *only works for 1 e - and does not account for bonding. E = -2. 18 x 10 -18 j (1 2 /2 2 - 1 2 /6 2 ) = -4. 84 x 10 -19 j. Sign means e is released, + sign means energy absorbed.