BIO SCI 9A Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Juice, Apple Sauce, Avocado

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Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months: breastmilk (or formula) will be the mainstay of a baby"s diet for the first year. Complementary foods introduced after 6 months will help the baby learn how to eat, chew, and swallow food and to accept and adapt to new tastes and textures. They do not need solids until approximately 6 months of age: based on readiness, not age. Cannot digest starches until at least 3 months. 1st solid food: used to say iron-fortified rice cereal, now it"s thought that anything goes: great starter food: avocado, banana, applesauce, cereal (made from brown rice, oats, barely, or millet) No cow"s milk or honey until after 1 year. Although the baby is eating solids, formula/breast milk is still it"s main source of nutrients. Children choose how much and whether to eat from what the parents provide.