BIO SCI 9A Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Cardiovascular Disease, Adipose Tissue, Cholecystokinin

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Uses of energy by the body and energy balance. Major health risks associated with excess body fat. Plan a safe, effective long-term weight loss regimen. Evaluate popular weight-reduction diets for safety and long-term effectiveness. 1 lb. of adipose tissue = 3,500 kcals. Quick changes in body weight are not simple changes in fat stores: fat, fluid, lean tissue (muscle) Long term changes: 75% fat, 25% lean tissue normally, equal during starvation. Recommended macronutrient distribution ranges: carbohydrate 45-65, fat 20-35, protein 10-35% Obesity elevates the risk of these conditions/diseases: hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes. Too little food energy -> use of stored fat. Change in energy stores = energy in energy out: energy in food/beverages, energy out expenditures through lifestyle and metabolism. Estimated energy requirements based on reference man and woman. People"s energy needs vary greatly: men = 662 (9. 53 x age) + physical activity estimate x (15. 91 x weight in kg.