BIO SCI 9A Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Pea Soup, Tahini, Butters Stotch

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A belief that we should not kill animals to eat their meat. Many people don"t want to endorse the inhumane treatment of livestock. Some find that a hamburger makes a convenient lunch while proving a concentrated source of energy and nutrients. Other wouldn"t know what to eat without meat. There is strong evidence linking vegetarian diets with reduced incidences of chronic diseases: in addition to not eating meat, vegetarians often have increased intakes of fruits and vegetables. Primary contributors of nutrients and phytochemicals believed to reduce disease risk. Vegetarian diets often contain more: fiber, potassium, several vitamins associated with reduced disease risk. With exceptions, vegetarians typically: use no tobacco, use alcohol in moderation if at all, may be more physically active than other adults. Health benefits: healthy body weights, blood pressure is often lower, lower incidence of heart disease, increase in soy products, lower incidence of cancer due to high intakes of fruits and vegetables.