BIO SCI 97 Lecture 24: Lecture 22 Notes

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Phenotype of interest find gene responsible. Screens - mutate one parent randomly through genome. Incross to generate many f3 families - score for interesting phenotypes. Positional cloning to find the gene responsible. Gene of interest find gene function. Simply interfering with a gene"s normal function and observing the effects. The genetic locus can be mutated in a directed and specific manner using either: Homologous recombination with a targeting vector - so called knockouts. Other ways to learn about a gene"s function include over-expression and observing effects and observing where gene is expressed -- relies on transgenesis. Genome editing: gene of interest modify or fix faulty gene. Transgenesis - process of introducing a transgene often from one organism into the genome of another organism. To create a transgene - you must be able to manipulate dna. Move it from one vector to another. The introduction of a gene from one organism into the genome of another organism creates a transgenic organism.