BIO SCI 75 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Fallopian Tube, Chancre

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Diseases transmitted (to a great extent but not necessary exclusively) through genital contact (any type: characteristics: disease organisms require moist environment to survive or enter; can penetrate transitional zones like the vagina, urethra, penis, mouth, anus. Bacterial: general features: each caused by specific species of bacteria but can be some strain of differences; generally curable with antibiotics, gonorrhea (clap) Incidence: very common (one million reported), especially teenagers and homosexuals; recent epidemic in us party due to resistant strain; in one study 2% of women tested were asymptomatic carriers. Cause: bacterium usually transmitted by intercourse (vagina, anus, mouth) but there are exceptions: to baby at birth mainly through eyes (usual prophylaxis is eye drops to neonate), other contact like wet towels but rare. Symptoms: after 2-6 days of irritation and discharge local to site of infection. Men: burning sensation in penis with urination and yellow discharge; can spread internally; 20% no symptoms; can cause sterility.