BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Central Nucleus Of The Amygdala, Classical Conditioning, Microdialysis

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10 Jan 2020

Document Summary

These hormonal and other neural systems are called memory modulators. They are not part of the storage system, but they can influence the synapses that store the memory. Memory modulators have a time-limited role and influence only the storage of very recently acquired memories. They operate during a period of time shortly after the behavioral experience when the trace is being consolidated. The neural systems that modulate memory strength are not necessary for the retrieval of the memory. (1) it can initiate the acquisition and storage of the memory trace. (2) it can activate the release of adrenal hormones that can. Post-training epinephrine only enhances memory when given near (and shortly after) the modulate the processes that store the memory time of training. The amygdala is comprised of different regions with different connectivity and. Lateral nucleus of amygdala (la): shown to be critical locus for associated stimuli in classical conditioning (see past lectures).