BIO 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Purkinje Fibers, Systolic Geometry, Vasoconstriction

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In very small organisms, vital substances are exchanged through diffusion (oxygen) Circulatory systems move fluid from the surface of an organism to its deepest parts in larger animals. Two important parts: a space for fluid to move in (open cavity with fluid moving around, pumping mechanism to distribute fluid (heart) Cardiovascular systems are a subtype composed of heart, blood, and blood vessels. A pressure gradient causes a liquid or gas to move from one compartment to another, if there is a path for movement. Works for mixtures of substances in a fluid: examples: blood, air in lungs, stomach contents, urine (not a concentration gradient) Top 5 traits that helps animals pass. Arose in the ancestor to all triploblasts (animals that have 3 tissue layers) Allowed animals to become much larger since diffusion wasn"t limiting exchange. Circulatory fluid: one fluid- hemolymph= interstitial fluid, 2 fluids- blood and lymph. O2 and co2 are carried by molecules called respiratory pigments.