BIO-17 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Cystic Fibrosis, Caffeine, One-Line Joke

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4 Dec 2020

Document Summary

There are many variations for oral presentations of patients depending on the purpose, patients new to physicians being treated inpatient will require a lengthy presentation. These presentations routinely last between 10 and 15 minutes: the oral presentation is not a simple repetition of what you have already written in your, ideally your presentation will present both the patient and the disease in such a manner. Sdl-presenting a case orally soap note that your audience follows your thinking process and arrives at the same conclusions you did during your assessment and plan. Form audience, message and the occasion: patients that physicians have been treating in the office for several years, and are seeing for routine follow-up, generally need very little introduction. The presentation may require less than one minute. This might include an intense review of all medical problems and medications. Outline follow the same format resolved during exam as the patient drank a coca cola.