BIO 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Anterior Cranial Fossa, Sphenoid Bone, Zygomatic Bone

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The blood vessels don"t touch the dermal epidermal junction. Need to know every word because he will change one word. The epidermis is avascular but contains nerve and nerve endings. The superficial layers of the epidermis undergo mitosis become desiccated convert to keratin and eventually slough off. The dermis contains collagen fibers, hair follicles and sweat glands. Hair follicles are derived from the dermis and grow down into the subcutaneous tissue. The skeletal system store chemical substances such as calcium. The skull and the hyoid bone make a total of 24 bones. The larynx trachea and bronchi are made of hyaline cartilage. The articular cartilage is quite vascular and produces synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity. The axial skeleton consists of the following bones: Skull: 8 cranial bones, 14 facial bones. Vertebral column: 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx. Rib cage: 12 pairs of ribs, sternum.