BIO 226 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Genetic Recombination, Molecular Mimicry, Lysozyme

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Viruses: thinking about how to prevent instead of treating o. They are genetic material (dna or rna) with a protein coat (capsid) - not cells! Influenza virus (orthomyxovirus: h5n1 > bird flu. When things crosses over to a different species of a host, the virus usually has a worse effect (so when we"re looking at when we get a new bird flu, how bad it will be) Cdc - fluview: h1n1 > swine flu. People were seriously concerned about h1n1 because it had genetic recombination from one of the deadliest flus in history. And a lot of people did not have any immunity to this: named for: Hemagglutinin (h) spikes used for attachment to host cells > 16 different h subtypes. Neuraminidase (n) spikes used to release virus from cell/get out of there > 9 different n subtypes o. Lots of people die from the flu (30,000-49,000 people), especially for the super young or super old: antigenic shifts & drifts.