BIOS 20188 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Creatine Kinase, Glut4, Serca

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1)describe the major sites for atp utilization and mechanisms for atp production in muscle. Atp consumption (places in the muscle where atp is used) Sodium potassium atp-ase: maintians ion gradients by pumping. Sodium and potassium against their concentration gradients 3 na and 2: also establishes osmotic equilibrium. Myofibrillar atp-ase: atp binds to heavy chain of myosin so that actin and myosin can detatch during the crossbridge cycle (involved in crossbridge motion ) back into the sr (where the concentration of calcium is high) Serca atp-ase: resequesters calcium up its concentration gradient. Creatine phosphokinase: high rate with low capacity and atp. One step process: creatine phosphate + adp + cpk = creatine. Dependent on amount of creatine phosphate present in cells. Turns two adp molecules into and amp and an atp by moving one of the phospates from one adp to the other. Glucose (found in the blood or from glycogen) gets transported by.