PSY 202 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Raymond Cattell, Lewis Terman, David Wechsler

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3 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Intelligence 1/30: history, development of intelligence tests. Measure intelligence so people who are smart can have kids with people who are smart. Found out that men have bigger heads than women, must be inherently smarter. More neuropathways in brain (discovery by a woman) means smarter. His racial group did not have biggest head size, but doesn"t matter. Minorities were sterilized: alfred binet and theodore simon: school assessment of low ability. Test that objectively pinpoint children who needed help and given extra help. Take out to give more help vs mainstream them. Chinese had done for jobs for 100-1000 of years. If student persistently performed lower, could be picked out. He said tests couldn"t be used to test intelligence, maybe certain components: wilhelm stern: mental quotient. Administered stanford binet to those who it was not for; was for school kids to see low ability. Applied to other people: immigrants: conclusion was immigrants were not very bright.