BIO 123 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Carotenoid, Nuptial Gift

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Cost of mating attracts predators often, (complex frog calls attract more females but also more predators) Fundamental asymmetry of sex: sperm are cheap, eggs are very expensive. A struggles between the male possession of the female, the result is no offspring. Bowerbirds are under strong sexual selection part of males mating display is decorating their bowers, display constantly, female mates with 1 male per season, rears young alone. Why did bowers evolve in the first place? if female is scared she wont mate at all, making her safe is key. More intense male displayed intensity to robot, the less startled the female. There is huge variation in mating for males in elephant seals, most don"t get a mate, low reproductive success. Giraffes fight for females by necking , the longer the neck the better. Peacocks males have greater variation (look pretty) attracts females. Handicap: honestly indicates quality signal of how good the male is.