HIST 1031 Lecture : Nazi Germany.docx

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28 Jan 2014

Document Summary

In 1929, the crash of the stock market ended all economic progress and caused a world-wide economic depression. The most radical of the right wing parties in the 1930 elections were the nazis and were supported by the middle class, while the working class supported the communists. The nazis appeal to unemployed workers by giving them a sense of purpose through national pride. Hitler also exploited middle class fear of communism and offered them a sense of belonging to an organization that was much more than just a political party. 1932 elections the nazi party received over 14. 5 million votes and were the largest party. The nazis and the communists despise each other and are polar opposites. Nazis promised work and bread appealing to the unemployed. 1933 hindenburg, ruler of the german republic, appointed hitler as chancellor.

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