HIST 1035 Lecture Notes - Paul Von Hindenburg, Gestapo, Long Knives
Document Summary
March 19, 2014: weimar government created at the end of wwi and the government that would replace the constitutional monarchy of the keiser. Parliamentary democracy that was dominated by the social democratic party (sdp) Friederich ebert would dominate this government from 1919-1925. In 1925, elections were held and they resulted in the democrats losing power and the conservatives gaining power. General paul von hindenburg was elected as the president and his election signaled a shift to the right. However, communists still impacted the election got almost 2 million votes mostly from the cities. During the reign of von hindenburg, germany achieved stability and succeeded in improving the economy. From 1925-1929 germany would enjoy a degree of stability, but this movement to the right was not a movement to the far right. This period would see this terrific cultural flourishing that would take place. American jazz would become popular in german cities and german film making was big in this period.