Biology 1001A Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Falsifiability, Allele, Gradualism

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Proof, falsification, and falsifiability in determining whether a theory is scientific . Intelligent design example: despite public support for intelligent design (id/young-earth creationism), the 2005. Dover trial established that id does not belong in science classes because it is falsifiable. Evolution: descent with modification form a common ancestor, allele frequencies in a population change from one generation to the next. Common ancestry: all life is related through common ancestry explains the similarities between species, darwin explains these similarities by saying that species with shared traits have a common ancestor. Speciation: lineages diverge (speciate) into daughter lineages. Variational rather than transformational: evolution is variational, not transformational, populations evolve, individuals do not, evolution requires variation evolution simple acts upon that variation. Gradualism: most evolution is gradual, small changes between generations: transitional forms between ancient and modern species.