PHIL 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Hasty Generalization, Fair Coin

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For your favourite party: more types of considerations have to come in when resolving the second issue, this means we should talk about evidence, and reasons for belief. 1: until the evidence for the claim starts to increase, the more evidence we have for a claim, the better a reason we have to believe in. (so now we should talk about evidence. ) Have more access to information about it. 2: an argument that appeals to someone"s expertise is often called an appeal to authority. Dr. eddings, a prize-winning physicist, claimed in his latest book that cancer could be cured through the power of the mind alone. Statistics: many arguments use statistics and mathematical arguments. Interpreting evidence: there are three main issues that we"re going to discuss having to do with interpreting evidence. I was sick another time, the court was all wrong, and some other time, there was something wrong with my shoe.