BIO271H1 Lecture Notes - Standard Error, Standard Deviation, Scientific Notation

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What is a figure: figures includes graphs, photos and tables; tables are not figures, most of the data will be presented in tables or figures. Constructing a summary table: summary table is used to organize your data and usually not submitted, goal is to tidy up your data, if one of the organism died make a side note under the table. Preparing graphs: you can also have graphs constructed by hand, use graph paper, the independent variable is plotted on the x-axis and dependent plotted on the y-axis, ex. Feeding rates depend on the temperature: insert breaks into graphs. Not falsifying data: do not make up data. Making bar graphs and histograms: discontinuous data bar graph, continuous data use a histogram. Learning to love logarithms: log scales are excellent to explore data that is covered in powers. Preparing tables: table should be organized, independent variable is in the vertical column.