BIO230H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Dna Microarray, Transcriptome, Human Genome

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BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
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Bio230: from genes to organisms lecture #1. The tree of life has 3 primary branches. Archaea are typically extremophiles thrive with heat, acidity, etc. Can link together as communities: ex. Biofilm at hospitals are very resistant against cleaning products: eukaryotic cells. Needle like structures to inject/donate proteins pathogens do this. Plasma membrane semi-permeable filter to environment. Cell wall is composed of different types of sugars. Cell is pretty much 1 compartment with free floating dna. How did these cells evolve: many believe an ancient eukaryote engulfed a prokaryote. Cytoskeleton maintains shape of cell + transports molecules. Plant cells also have a cell wall made of polysaccharides: ex. All known life forms possess a genome. Encodes the information to construct and maintain an organism. Most genomes are made of dna (except some viruses have rna genomes) Release of the biological information stored in the genome requires genome expression.