BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Mantidae, Tettigoniidae, Rodent

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Observed that there was strong emphasis on biologic interactions. Biologists sometimes classify based on biotic (dominates in brazilian tropical forests) or abiotic factors. Darwin observes high species diversity and many novel adaptations. Often up to 300 species in a rainforest. Consequence of that, sometimes species of the same type are isolated by itself. Very different from temperate forests where pollination simply occurs by wind. The situation in brazil, wind is just not a very good way of pollination. Animals are much more important and animals that are capable of flying large distances are essential for pollination of tropical rainforest trees. Euglossine bees as long-distance pollinators of tropical plants. Mark-recapture techniques - catch bees, mark them and undergo complicated research. Predicted that trees should have better mechanisms of spreading their seeds farther away. Because seeds fare much better when they are farther away (closer ones are competing with the parent tree for resources)