BIO325H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Filter Feeder, Antiseptic, Protozoa

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18 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Mucus: is a viscoelstic sol-gel common in animals (fit that picture if you can somewhere) The mucus and the wave foot is good cause it resists against gravity and helps with foraging. For this to work there need to be a purchase which grips onto one spot while the wave propels forward. Also there are multiple waves to it (12-17) and ultimately translates to adhesive locomotion. Pneumostome: entry to the lung (its an opening) and its what the mantal was converted to. Viscoelastic: is what the pedal foot is, and it means that it changes its properties as the material is placed under stress. Pulmonate snails have adapted to land by eliminating the gills and converting the mantle cavity into the lung.