BIO325H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Fish Locomotion, Notochord, Heavy Object

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18 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Regulating density by losing weight or increasing volume needs to be done for swimming. Neutrally buoyant is easier to be but you need a buoyancy compensator (bc) Whats the function of y bones (draw the structure) White muscle and anerobic predation function" (draw picture) Muscle fibers run at 35 degrees and run on myotomes from one partition (septum) to the next. The chain fibers run helically like the strand of a rope. Due to the helix and strands of rope, the muscles would bend the same percentage of their length rather than only a fragment of it, thus maxamizing force production. When the fish moves it contracts and relaxes at the same time: the functional myotome series contract simaltanously they are at different phases of the, if they weren"t they could not shorten body wave. Bio325: they are antagonists of one another, amphioxus and its notochord could have developed into vertebrae backbone.