BIO325H5 Lecture 4: Tentorium

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17 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Recurved (bent) shape with leading beveled edge enables slash. With the tibia held flexed out of the way, the distal femoral spines can penetrate & cut an attacker, perhaps a mouse or a bat- or an entomologist. Newton"s laws: since drag force detracts from thrust force- one would expect backswimmers to feather" their paddle on the return. Integument: outside covering of an arthropod- adaptively bonded sugar residues= chitinous exoskeleton. 3 is fine for statistic situations- but how do you get anywhere: eg. Apodemes: kind of endo" exoskeleton, cuticle/integument developing during embryogeny as surface inflections that are meet & fuse. Hypognathous: having head vertical & mouth directed ventrad: orthoptera such as grasshoppers, have the mouthparts hypognathous. Prognathous: having head horizontal & jaws directed forward. Gula: special beetle sclerite, functionally part of the prognathous tentorium: posterior arms of beetle ancestor that are implicated in creating the triangular sheets atop the gula.