BIO210Y5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Endolymph, Cell Membrane, Tectorial Membrane

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The ear is divide into three diferent regions. Collects and directs sound eaves to the middle ear. Elastic cartilage: keeps the acoustic meatus open and auricle lexible. Middle ear: tympanic membrane, cavity and ossicles. These bones connect tympanic membrane with one of the receptor complexes. Air-illed chamber collected to the pharynx by auditory tube. Internal ear: semicircular canals, labyrinths, auditory tube, and sensory organs. It received ampliied sound waves from the middle ear. The auditory tube permits pressure equalization on either side of tympanic membrane. There are two diferent types of hair cells: 1) kinocilia (resemble cilia, not in organ of corti) - balance. The receptor cells are isolated and protected from the external environment. The sensory receptors are located within the internal ear (the sensory information is integrated and organized before it is forwarded to the cns) The receptor cells are known as hair cells.