BIO210Y5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Vasospasm, Antigen, Stroke Volume

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Heart propels blood, maintains blood pressure. Blood vessels distribute blood around the body. Capillaries: permit diffusion between interstitial fluids + blood. Functions of blood: transport dissolves gases, nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes etc, regulate ph & ion composition of interstitial fluids, restrict fluid losses at injury site, defend against toxins & pathogens, stabilize body temp. Diff in body volume in male (5-6 liters of blood) , female (4-6 liters of blood ) due to avg. body size: plasma (55%) Composition of plasma resembles interstitial fluid, due to continuous exchange. Differences are: levels of respiratory gases (co2,o2) + conc. Plasma proteins cannot cross capillary walls: plasma proteins 7% Are in solution rather than forming insoluble fibers. Albumin: major contributors to osmotic pressure of plasma, 60%. Globulins: transport globulins bind to small ions, hormones etc. immunoglobulin attacks foreign bodies, 35% Also have variety of active/inactive enzymes, hormones etc: other solutes 1%