BIO207H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Dihybrid Cross, Mendelian Inheritance, Zygosity

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4 Feb 2019

Document Summary

First hypothesis was blending theory did some observations and got a ratio of. Wanted to explore random segregation and random union. Then tested the random segregation and random union. Did a test cross (pure x pure) f1 generation. Expected 75% f2 round and 25% f2 wrinkled. Of self-fertilized round f2 produce 100% round f3 f2 rr. Of self fertilized round f2 produce round and wrinkled f3 at ratio of 3:1. Monohybrid cross refers to cross between two heterozygotes. Analysis of more than 1 gene (independent assortment) During gamete production alleles segregate randomly and unit randomly during fertilization. R and r ; g, g. Rg (r) * (g) 1/4. Rg (r) * (g) 1/4 rg (r) * (g) 1/4 rg (r) * (g) . Q- we learned that one gene can influence another gene so how can independent assortment say there is no influence. Phenotype is determined by the genotype of individual and not the genotype of gamete.