BIO205H5 Lecture 7: LECTURE 7 – Population Distributions

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15 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Spatial structure: the pattern of density and spacing of individuals in a population. Fundamental niche: range of abiotic conditions under which a species can persist. Realized niche: the range of abiotic and biotic conditions under which a species persist. The lewis monkeyflower lives at high elevations, whereas the scarlet monkeyflower lives at low elevations. Southern fish species are expanding their ranges northward. Species are randomly distributed, resources are equally distributed, doesn"t matter where you are. Migration, movement of individuals to where resources are more abundant and then move back. In a drought, species may go to wetlands, before going back. Birds are a great example of migrating species. Role of migration: the long distance migrations of terrestrial birds often involve movement between areas that supply abundance food, but only for a limited time, these northern breeding areas cannot support large all-year-round resident populations. In bacteria, you require a small sa like a 2cm x 2xm petri dish.