BIO203H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Apomixis, Sexual Reproduction, Stamen

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Formation of off-shoots that form new clonal trees. Fragmentation: long vining plant, you can have separation at a certain point, splitting into two separate plants with same genetic makeup. Sexual reproduction: gametophytes produce gametes, they themselves are not the gametes, so they can produce more than 1 gamete per gametophytes (ex. Gametophytes and sporophytes are different in size, which is why we called it heteromorphic alternation of generations. Sepals tend to be green but may be a different colour. He said all these terms are easy to test but requires a lot of effort to remember what the terms are. Single ovule needed to create a seed. Self-pollination is still a form of sexual reproduction! Monecious species: one individuals produces two types of flowers, one type of, can have both self and cross pollination occurring flower with stamen, other type of flower with carpel.