BIO200H5 Lecture 12: Biochemistry and types of Macromolecules

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14 Feb 2017

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Known as building materials for energy and for cell identification and communication. Ex: glucose: molecules that contain same atoms but different order or arrangement are called isomers. (ie alpha/beta glucose-hydroxyl is down position on alpha vicev) Organic molecules that dissolve in oils, efficient energy storage molecules that yield about twice the amount of chemical energy/gram than carbohydrates and proteins. Provide protection/insulation for body, are key components in cell membrane, and act as raw material for synthesis of hormones (chemical messengers between cells) Mainly made of h, c, and o dissolve in non-polar substances (some form chains, others- rings) Waxes (hydrophobic, containing long chain fatty acid linled with alcohols/carbon rings: form waterproof coatings (ex; beeswax, paraffin, cuticle on plants leaves, proteins (involved in everything cells do)-polymers of amino acids. Amino acids are monomers that make up protein; it can an be enzymes, hemoglobin, fibrin etc. Provide energy, control chemical rxn through special proteins called enzymes, build structures, communicate between cells.