BIO 2137 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Root, Starch, Xylem

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The first roots originates in the embryo = primary root (radicle) In dicots, primary root grows directly downwards (taproot) Branch roots or lateral roots grow from here. In monocots, the primary root is usually replaced by fibrous roots that arise from the stems. Have all these routes that come off from one single point. Most active roots can be found in the uppermost meter of soil. Alfalfa (medicago sativa) roots may extend to depths of 6 meters or more. Mesquite (prosopis juliflora) roots were found growing at a depth of 53. 5 meters. Two things can coexist one next to the other, because they"re still able to get everything they need to complete their life cycle. So alfalfa well could go down to six meters, which is a long way with something like a mosquito, for instance. Going down to, to say the depths in a cave, you can find it even 53 meters down in the ground.