BIO 2129 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Intertidal Zone, Ecological Niche, Logistic Function

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Ecology Lecture 14
Characteristics of Environment alter distribution of species
- Volcanic eruptions: sterile environment getting re-taken over
Inter and introspecific interactions also influence:]
- Organisms competing for limiting resources and resorting reciprocally negative effects
- Interacting which benefits partners
Trophic Interactions:
Predation, herbivory
- Negative effects of organism abundance
Disease, parastitism.
Outcomes of longterm interactions economic consequences
- Ie. Thinning out the trees causes them to grow faster and straighter. L
- Perched tree: tree on another tree gives perching tree a leg up in gathering light resources. But
it’s harder to get ater. Botto tree root rots aay, efore it does, top tree will have spread its
- ex. Big trees falling, opens up hole in canopy on forest floor. Organisms will take advantage of
this short term opportunity.
Intra/Interspecific competitions (within or between of species)
1. Resource competition
a. short supply leads to competition intra and inter.
b. Niche overlap causes it. Competition makes the differences between fundamental niche
and realized niche. (function)
c. Competition works to reduce the abundance of both species.
2. Interference competition
a. The direct harm that a species causes on another.
i. Ex. Cheetahs and Lions hunt similar things, niche overlap. Lions take
heetah’s gazelles.
ii. Lions also will kill cheetah cubs, leaving the body. For kicks. So cheetah moms
hide the cheetah cubs really ell, eause heetah’s at take o a lio.
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Document Summary

Volcanic eruptions: sterile environment getting re-taken over. Organisms competing for limiting resources and resorting reciprocally negative effects. Thinning out the trees causes them to grow faster and straighter. Perched tree: tree on another tree gives perching tree a leg up in gathering light resources. Botto(cid:373) tree root rots a(cid:449)ay, (cid:271)efore it does, top tree will have spread its seeds. ex. Big trees falling, opens up hole in canopy on forest floor. Organisms will take advantage of this short term opportunity. Intra/interspecific competitions (within or between of species: resource competition, short supply leads to competition intra and inter, niche overlap causes it. Competition makes the differences between fundamental niche and realized niche. (function: competition works to reduce the abundance of both species. Interference competition: the direct harm that a species causes on another, ex. Cheetahs and lions hunt similar things, niche overlap. Lions take (cid:272)heetah"s gazelles: lions also will kill cheetah cubs, leaving the body.