RS110 Lecture Notes - Sufism, Averroes, Islamic Philosophy

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Known as averroes, lived in cordoba, spain. Considered the greatest muslim scholar on aristotle. Famous for critiquing al- ghazali"s work the incoherence of the philosophers with his own work entitled the incoherence of incoherence. Criticized avicenna (ibn sina for misunderstanding aristotle and al- ghazali for misunderstanding philosophy. He believed in unity of truth (both religion and philosophy double- truth theory) He maintains the resurrection of the body; however his view of the soul on immortality is at best unclear. With the rapid spread of islam came also the trap of power and wealth. Initially, critical voiced came from people who idealized the simple and ascetic life. They understood jesus as a model for such an ascetic piety. They wore only a garment of wool on there are skin, their name sufis. Did this to symbolize poverty. The early ascetics were known as zuhad, those who shun the world and its pleasures.