CHEM 1E03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Formal Charge, Lone Pair, Lewis Structure

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Farmers replenish nitrogen in soil which allows clovers to grow which gets n from atmosphere which brings more n into soil yayay babes. Bacteria live in roots of plant - get n from air - provide it to plant - plant provides c to bacteria. Cs 2 is isoelectronic w co 2 - s is in group 16 (like o) Metal atoms - low en, few val e - s. If it lost its es it would be a 2+ ion - a v small one. Bf 3 - b can still hold another pair in val shell. Lewis acid - can accept a lone pair. Attributing charge to spec atoms in a structure. Formal charge = core charge - (# of nonbonding es) - (# of bonds) Core charge: charge of the atom (based on period) Nonbonding e - s: lone pairs 2- charge - attributes directly to atom.