CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Datura Stramonium, Granola, Cannabinoid

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Marijuana- cannabis thc (tetrahydrocannabinol) responsible for most of delight giving effects - most powerful to high. Very easy to grow even inside under virtually any climate. Leaf- droplets of oil if you scrape leaves for oil you get a solid mass called hash or hasish with highest concentration of thc. History of hash- shen nung dynasty (2838-2698 b. c. ) ancient greeks would throw hash on fire and breathe in fumes. Hassan-i sabbah (ran assassination company 1050-1124) - how he got his followers to do his bidding, visions of heaven promised through smoking hash hence name hash/hassan. Smoking of cannabis introduced to europe by napoleon"s soldiers brought back to france especially among artistic community got inspiration (mostly ate it, did not smoke it) Prescribed to make people who were sick hungry and as a pain killer. Trailed back to new orleans (full of crime at the time) Movie reefer madness (1930s) designed to scare people from smoking weed.