CHEM 120 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Nuclear Medicine, Protein Aggregation, Radiochemistry

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Interconversion of mass and energy: the total quantity of mass-energy in the universe is constant any reacting system that releases/absorbs energy also loses/gains mas. * mass change insignificant, thus, mass conserved in chemical reactions. * mass of nucleus significantly less than combined mass of nucleons mass. Nuclear binding energy = energy to break 1 mol of nuclei into nucleons. Fission vs. fusion: fission = splitting of a heavier nucleus into lighter, more stable nuclei, fusion = combining of lighter nuclei into a heavier, more stable nucleus. * greater binding energy per nucleon = more stable nucleus * Critical mass = mass of uranium needed to achieve sustainable chain reaction (otherwise neutrons leave before collision with another uranium nuclei) Controlled fission nuclear reactors: nuclear power plant = nuclear energy used to produce steam to turn turbine. Positron emission tomography (pet): diagnostic nuclear medicine technique. Mass-energy equivalence = energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable.