PHIL 220 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Oedipus Complex, Hypothetico-Deductive Model, Trie
Document Summary
Popper"s radical departure from fellow empiricists: recall this question: Such objectivity in science is possible in significant ways and degrees. Work out a good and objective inductive logic. Rationally justify hypotheses independently of subjective psychology and history and the context of discovery more generally (so that justification is objective). Retained commitment to the empiricism in ie. Limited the scope of objectivity in science (science cannot objectively determine what the facts are, but science can use empirical methods to objectively determine what the facts are not) Give up on inductive support/confirmation/evidence (that"s why he wasn"t an ie: popper was like a deductive empiricist, because he thought science should use only deductive reasoning. If hume"s problem can"t be solved, why even bother trying to address the more specific problems: how did le try to respond to hume"s problem: Setting aside the more general problem and focusing on more specific ones: how did le do this: