BIOS1170 Lecture 8: Week 8 Notes

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Exacerbations: infection, cardiac disease, cold air, pollution, medication non-compliance. Management: stop smoking, decrease environmental risks, vaccinations, corticosteroid. Chronic bronchitis: narrowing of the airways due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the mucus glands (bigger and more mucus) increased secretions narrow the airway. Occurs when under threat eg. smokers in response to chronic irritation. In order to attempt to reverse this = cough. Emphysema: develops as a progression of chronic bronchitis. Caused by elastases resulting from smoking which destroys pulmonary tissue (destruction of alveoli) Is increased functional residual capacity = full lungs and flattened diaphragm. These diseases mainly cause loss of alveoli which decreases surface area for diffusion = less o2 entering blood. Therefore the treatment is to increase concentration gradient of oxygen supplemental oxygen. Can also be caused by loss of elastic tissue (airway collapse) during expiration = obstruction. Treated through increased airway pressure to keep airways open and pursed lip breathing to increase resistance (and pressure)