CHEM 103 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Molar Volume, Combined Gas Law, Gas Laws

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Textbook notes // chapter 8, sections 1,3, and 5. Unit of force is the newton (n) = 1kg m/s^2. A barometer = a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. 8. 3: the behavior of ideal gases: gas laws. A gas that behaves exactly as described by the gas laws = an ideal gas. Most gases behave ideally at room temp and atmospheric pressure. **assuming that temperature and number of moles stays the same. You can convert to *c from kelvins. Temperature (in *k) = temperture in *c + 273. 15. V n (**assuming that temp. and pressure are constant**) Volume and amount (n, moles) are directly varied. *equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of molecules at the same temperature and pressure* At 0*c and 1 atm (stp), 22. 4 l of any ideal gas contain 1 mol. Standard temperature and pressure (stp) = 0*c and 1 atm.