CHEM 201 Chapter 1: CHEM 201

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So, half of this chapter is basically talks about nothing important, you don"t even need to waste your time to look at them. Measurement. " you don"t need to have a very clear outline here, only remember key concepts would be enough. The size of a celsius unit is bigger than the size of a fahrenheit unit. Explanation: considering the water boils example in your text in page 5. The temperature water boils x and the temperature water freeze y is constant. *accuracy: accuracy refers to the correctness of the result: in other words, it"s how close you are to the true answer. *precision: precision refers to the repeatability of the result: if you repeat the measurement, it"s how close the separate results will be to agreeing with each other. An example here can be: we say we use two rulers s and f to measure a book"s length.