CHEM 2331H Chapter Notes -Liquigas, Frequency Domain, Visible Spectrum

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@ constant speed: beam returns from mirror to recombine @ beamsplitter, beam from moving mirror traveled different distance 2 beams recombine to create interferogram (interference pattern), which passes through sample compartment to reach detector. Interferogram has all info that"s in spectrum: interferogram = time domain, corresponds to energy seen by detector as mirror moves through signal, fourier transform (standard computer algorithm) converts time domain. 12. 7) infrared spectroscopy of hydrocarbons: hydrocarbons have only c-c and c-h bonds ir spectrum doesn"t give enough info to identify structure unless can compare w/ authentic spectrum, but can indicate double/triple bond presence. 12. 7c) interpreting the ir spectra of hydrocarbons (see book for examples) 12. 9a) simple ketones, aldehydes, and acids: simple ketones and carboxylic acids" c=o stretching vibrations @ around 1710 cm-1, while aldehydes @ around 1725 cm-1; higher than for c=c b/c c=o = stronger and stiffer.