SOC 152A Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Trichomonas Vaginalis, Scabies, Trichomoniasis

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17 May 2018
Chapter 15
STIs used to be called venereal diseases
First STI was syphilis
Most likely christopher columbus and his crew brought it to the new world
By 1918, 1 in 22 americans were infected
Very little sympathy for those with syphilis
Prostitutes spread syphilis
Syphilis still exists today but is much less common
AIDS’ history is similar to syphilis, it came from africa most likely
Main difference is that AIDS has been compressed into a couple of decades
rather than half a millennium.
AIDS can only be held at bay now a days whereas syphilis can be cured.
The US has the highest incidence rates for curable STIs of any developed country
Some STIs are readily treatable whereas others persist for a lifetime.
Some STIs are reportable diseases - medical professionals who encounter cases are
required to notify state of federal authorities
Main reportable ones are syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV/AIDS
There are marked differences in STIs between different racial/ethnic groups in the US
African Americans in particular experience much higher STI rates than other
groups do
especially for gonorrhea, which is 15x higher for black than white
The rates for hispanic and native americans are also elevated, though less than
Asian americans have lower STI rates than white americans
Difference between STI and STD
STI occurs when an agent such as a bacterium enters a person’s body during a
sexual accounter and establishes itself there.
STD is the harm to a person’s health that may be caused by such infection
Some people who acquire an STI suffer no health consequences, or do so
only a long time after acquiring the infection. These are asymptomatic
Lice and Mites
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Head and public lice, along with scabies mites are specialized for living on or in
human skin
Pubic lice and scabies mites are spread by sexual contact
These are called infestations rather than infections or diseases.
Pubic lice aka crabs, are flat insects that grasp 2 hairs with crawlike legs,
anchoring them close to skin. Once anchored they gorge on the host's blood at
base of hair.
Pubic lice lay eggs (nits) which glue onto hairs near the base.
Nits hatch in a week
Lice can survive for 2 days at the most not on body
Possible to contract lice from a person or by using that persons
bedding, towels, clothing, etc.
Pubic lice are probably the one sti that you don't need a medical degree
to diagnose.
Treated with lotions or shampoo
Scabies is an infestation with a parasitic mite
Mites are arachnids (spiders)
They make tunnels within the superficial layers of the skin.
Scabies mites do not require hairy skin.
Found most often in wrists, elbows, penis, knees, breasts, back, or
between fingers
Scabies spreads from person to person easily
Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan
Trichomoniasis is an infection of the vagina or the male urethra and prostate
gland with trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas is a single-celled protozoan with flagella.
In women, trichomoniasis is marked by a foul-smelling, greenish, or frothy
discharge from the vagina.
Although some women are asymptomatic carriers
In men, trichomoniasis infections are usually asymptomatic. But sometimes
they are marked by slight discharge from the urethra, urge to urinate
frequently, and pain during urination
Bacterial STIs can usually be treated with antibiotics
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Syphilis is caused by infection with a corkscrew-shaped bacterium or spirochete.
Spread by direct contact, nearly always sexually
If not treated, can last lifetime and cause death
A man or woman can acquire syphilis by sexual contact with a person who is in
the primary or secondary stage of the disease or in the first year or so of the
latent phase
Most commonly, infections come from a syphilitic sore, or chancre
3 stages to untreated syphilis
Primary syphilis - between 10 and 90 days after infection, a chancre
appears at site.
Untreated, it will heal within 3-6 weeks.
Secondary syphilis - may begin while primary chancre is still visible, or
it may be delayed for several weeks. The main sign of secondary syphilis
is a painless rash, which affects the palms of the hands and the soles of
the feet. Often accompanied with fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore
throat, and muscle pain.
Untreated these symptoms go away within a few weeks
Latent phase - happens when spirochetes are not eliminated at end of
secondary stage but continue to multiply in the body, even though the
symptoms are gone.
After about a year of the latent phase, the person is no longer
infectious to sex partners. However a pregnant woman can pass
it to her fetus. (fetus can be stillborn, die neonatally, or suffer
severe neurological impairment.)
During this phase, spirochetes continue to multiple within the
body at a slow rate. They may gradually invade cardiovascular
system, the bones, the liver, and nervous system
Eventually, decades after infection, syphilis may begin to do serious
damage. This is tertiary syphilis.
Occurs in about 15% of untreated individuals.
Large ulcers may appear on skin or internal organs, may attack
heart, the central nervous system, or skeleton.
Syphilis is greatly reduced now to antibiotics
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Document Summary

Stis used to be called (cid:362)e(cid:290)e(cid:325)eal diseases. Most likel(cid:369) ch(cid:325)istophe(cid:325) colu(cid:289)bus a(cid:290)d his c(cid:325)e(cid:363) b(cid:325)ought it to the (cid:290)e(cid:363) (cid:363)o(cid:325)ld. B(cid:369) (cid:799)(cid:807)(cid:799)(cid:806), (cid:799) i(cid:290) (cid:800)(cid:800) a(cid:289)e(cid:325)ica(cid:290)s (cid:363)e(cid:325)e i(cid:290)fected. Ve(cid:325)(cid:369) little s(cid:369)(cid:289)path(cid:369) fo(cid:325) those (cid:363)ith s(cid:369)philis. S(cid:369)philis still e(cid:368)ists toda(cid:369) but is (cid:289)uch less co(cid:289)(cid:289)o(cid:290) Ai5s" histo(cid:325)(cid:369) is si(cid:289)ila(cid:325) to s(cid:369)philis, it ca(cid:289)e f(cid:325)o(cid:289) af(cid:325)ica (cid:289)ost likel(cid:369) Mai(cid:290) diffe(cid:325)e(cid:290)ce is that ai5s has bee(cid:290) co(cid:289)p(cid:325)essed i(cid:290)to a couple of decades (cid:325)athe(cid:325) tha(cid:290) half a (cid:289)ille(cid:290)(cid:290)iu(cid:289). Ai5s ca(cid:290) o(cid:290)l(cid:369) be held at ba(cid:369) (cid:290)o(cid:363) a da(cid:369)s (cid:363)he(cid:325)eas s(cid:369)philis ca(cid:290) be cu(cid:325)ed. The us has the highest i(cid:290)cide(cid:290)ce (cid:325)ates fo(cid:325) cu(cid:325)able stis of a(cid:290)(cid:369) de(cid:362)eloped cou(cid:290)t(cid:325)(cid:369) So(cid:289)e stis a(cid:325)e (cid:325)eadil(cid:369) t(cid:325)eatable (cid:363)he(cid:325)eas othe(cid:325)s pe(cid:325)sist fo(cid:325) a lifeti(cid:289)e. So(cid:289)e stis a(cid:325)e (cid:325)epo(cid:325)table diseases - (cid:289)edical p(cid:325)ofessio(cid:290)als (cid:363)ho e(cid:290)cou(cid:290)te(cid:325) cases a(cid:325)e (cid:325)e(cid:324)ui(cid:325)ed to (cid:290)otif(cid:369) state of fede(cid:325)al autho(cid:325)ities. Mai(cid:290) (cid:325)epo(cid:325)table o(cid:290)es a(cid:325)e s(cid:369)philis, go(cid:290)o(cid:325)(cid:325)hea, chla(cid:289)(cid:369)dia, a(cid:290)d qiv/ai5s. The(cid:325)e a(cid:325)e (cid:289)a(cid:325)ked diffe(cid:325)e(cid:290)ces i(cid:290) stis bet(cid:363)ee(cid:290) diffe(cid:325)e(cid:290)t (cid:325)acial/eth(cid:290)ic g(cid:325)oups i(cid:290) the us.

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