CHEM 1010 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Potential Energy, Observational Error, Scientific Notation

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Document Summary

Chemistry- the study of matter and its properties, the change of that matter, and the energy of those changes. Substance- a type of matter that has a define, fixed composition. States- solid, liquid, and gas- on a micro level they are defined by the way they fill their container. Takes container"s shape to the extent of its volume. Takes container"s shape and fills it completely and hence has no surface. Atomically- particles lie next to each other in a regular 3d array. Atomically particles lie close together, but move randomly . Atomically particles move randomly with large distances in between them. A physical change occurs when a substance alters its physical properties, not its composition. Ice melting its hardness, density, and ability to flow change, but it is still water. Chemical process change in composition how it changes into/ how it interacts with other substances. Electricity breaks down water into hydrogen and oxygen.