CHEM 1314 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Noble Gas, Natural Abundance, Avocado

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Early ideas about the building blocks of matter. Leucippus and his student democritus were first to propose that matter was composed of small, indestructible particles. Plato and aristotle did not embrace the atomic ideas of leucippus and democritus. They held that: matter had no smallest parts, different substances were composed of various proportions of fire, air, earth, and water. Later scientific approach became the established way to learn about the physical world. And english chemist, john dalton offered convincing evidence that supported the early atomic ideas of leucippus and democritus. Antoine lavoisier formulated the law of conservation of mass: in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed. All samples of a given compound, regardless of their source or how they were prepared, have the same proportions of their constituent elements. Nitrogen- 14. 0 and oxygen- 16. 0= nitric oxide no= n:o/1:1= mass ratio- 16. 0/14. 0= 1. 14. Nitrogen dioxide= no2 = 1:2= 32. 0/14. 0= 2. 28.